Why We Should Have Longer School Years

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Like Obama said in the video, he said we should have longer school years. I must admit I agree with him. Even when I hate school, I still agree with him. Im not being rude to other people and students, referring to the fact that they hate school, even me, I think school teaches you stuff like education and that's a good thing for people who need that education in the future.

What Obama said in the video is that kids are losing half of what they learned during the school year. Means that students are losing intelligence every summer, all year long. It's bad because students won’t be able to remember what they learned in school to use for next year in school.

I know I have mentioned this a lot of times in the first paragraph. But, as some people say, plus the news, the students think school is useless. As some others think it just takes 7 hours off of our lives from being lazy. I wish they could subtract the hours, but 7 is enough I guess. On page 1, paragraph 1, the text states “We can no longer afford an academic calendar designed when America was a nation of farmers who needed their children at home plowing the land at the end of each day.” I think Obama also went to school. And I knew how he became president. He loved school a lot and he always passed his classes every year. He studies and passes every test. The people who hate school probably always fail, but it’s not all the time, some who hate school, pass their classes anyways. …show more content…

Maybe they should use less school days and let us take a break from learning too much in school. Middle School gets harder every year because almost every school year is improving since new stuff are getting added. As more and more stuff gets added, more and more learning happens, it’s just too

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