Why Soccer Is Important To Me

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“What passion!!! Quit this obsession for five months. Do not waste this important year of your life. Use it well. Study diligently, score high marks and get yourself a secure future.” Parents, teachers, well-wishers et all, share the above-mentioned sentiment when they balance my studying for the school leaving examination and my devotion to soccer. The former wins each time. Not with me though.

Soccer defines me and empowers me. I am soccer. My love for the sport is no obsession. It is a hunger that gnaws at my insides and does not let me rest till I have kicked the twenty-seven inch ball with my team on the green surface for at least two hours, every day, irrespective of the vagaries of the weather. People do not understand that soccer is much more than a game for me. It has given me a new perspective to life and is my life’s support. I have imbibed the importance of diligence and discipline in our lives, in …show more content…

After spending two hours running, kicking the ball, defending the goal etcetera, infused with the extra supply of serotonin, dopamine and norepinephrine, when I reach school, equations of chemistry and mathematics, laws of physics, theorems and formulae, as well as computer languages and coding, all become easy. Returning home from school at four PM, a quick shower, a change of clothes and a healthy meal later, I join my teammates for our daily three-hour soccer sessions in the neighborhood field, where we train under the watchful eye of our coach. With only twenty-four hours to the day, on reaching home after practice, I study till one thir-ty AM, when I retire to get ready for another day. Each new day takes me one step closer to my goal and what I want to do in life, play soccer. In other words, playing soccer has not only honed my soccer skills, but also ensured that I maintain my grades. So, to keep the fire

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