Why Shame Is Important

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From the time I could remember shame has been a learning experience. Many people have their own opinions about shame; I however, believe shame is useful and a necessary component of society. When feeling shame, you show your true colors and the way you respond to certain actions. When you are put on the spot you do not think about what you’re going to do, it happens out of habit and that shows what type of person you are. Shame holds society together, helps you learn from your mistakes and brings out the morals people live by. Standards are an important part of society; it is what holds the people together. For instance, southern hospitality is a prime example of standards. If you say “please and thank you” it can go further than just asking someone for something without saying it. It shows that you have respect for that person and what they are doing for you. If someone goes out of the way to do something for you it proves that the task is meaningful and you are not taking it for granted. …show more content…

You do something you aren’t proud of so you go through the day feeling guilt and shame. Most people can not take all of the pressure so they either come forward with the situation or learn from the mistake that they made. If I were to take a math test that I didn’t know anything about and the person sitting next to me answered all the questions in class, I would try my best to see their answers so I would make a good grade. If I made an A on the test just because I cheated I would feel shame and guilt because that was someone else’s work on my paper. I would either come forward and tell the teacher or learn from the mistake and study the next time so I would make a good grade on my

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