Why My Life is Less then Perfect

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Why My Life is Less then Perfect

How can I described the feelings that are welling up inside? How do I control the temper tantrum that is, my little brother? How do I show my parents that I really do care about their feelings?

My name is Rosalind Marie Claire. I have two brothers, one older and one younger, and two sisters, also one older and one younger. Which makes me stuck smack-dab in the middle, and let me tell you what if you were a middle child growing up in a house with only two bathrooms one of which us kids can’t go into because that’s our parents master bathroom, it sucks.

My oldest sister, Jamie, is the star athlete of the Claire family. If there is a try out date for one sport or another she is there. I don’t know how she does it. How does she manage to play all those sports and keep at least a B+- A average? I just don’t get it. This is her senior year hear at the Ocean-Valley High School. She is going to the university of Connecticut on a full basketball scholarship.(she is so lucky!) I really will miss her, NOT, I am glade she is leaving because I get her room!

My oldest brother, John Jr., is a junior this year, he plays all the macho sports like football and lacrosse and wrestling, you know all those sports that include the coaches barking like dogs and making the team growl like a pack of hungry wolves ready to kill. I personally think it makes them look really stupid. But I guess I should be happy for him he already has scouts looking out for him. All the girls at school go ga-ga like little babies over his big strong muscles, I think its gross the way he’s always flexing and watching himself in the mirror.

Then there’s my little sister Jackie who is two years younger than I am. She still goes to the Ocean-Valley Middle School. She’s in seventh grade and the smartest kid in the whole house. She has about a million and one books in our room,(we share and that is why I can’t wait for Jamie to move out!) She is the one that always knows the word your looking for and the definition of it off the top of her head. She is also the one who gets the rest of us grounded when report cards come home, she’s the one with straight A+’s and who always has comments like, “a pleasure to have in class” and “Is an exceptional student k...

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...d Cat! I don’t write to any other people in the F.F.E.C. they never write me any so why should I write them notes?

Only in a great while do they write me a note and that’s only because they want me to hook them up with someone or they want to break up with someone. I am what you would call a matchmaker. I think that’s the only reason why they still hang out with me.

Cat and Max are convinced that isn’t true because when they aren’t around and I’m with the rest of the clan, the clan are sometimes really evil. Although the girls are worse then the boys but they can all be brutal. I thought that we were all in this “club” together but I guess not because even in the classes that we have together they never save me a seat so I have to sit way up in the very front of the room.

I once herd a rumor that was spread about me and it was really bad because someone told the guys at school that I would sleep with them if they paid me $50. You wont ever guess who started the rumor. It was Ashley!! I never really liked her she was Cat’s friend first then Max dated her now she’s just one of the clan.

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