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Approaches to environmental education
Approaches to environmental education
Environmental Education And Sustainability
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Recommended: Approaches to environmental education
My love for the outdoors has led me to the career choice of Ornithology. I would like nothing more then to be able to study the lives of birds and their behaviors. Ever since I was a young boy I have always been fascinated with birds. I have cherished being a part of nature since I was young. Whether it’s fishing, hiking or camping, I have always enjoyed the experience of being outdoors. It is this love that instilled my curiosity in Environmental Science. I have gained respect for nature and all that it has to offer and would love to have the ability to protect the natural beauty it beholds.
After completion of my degree at the University of Wisconsin- Stout I plan to go to graduate school and get a Masters degree in Ornithology. Since I plan
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I have played several sports during high school. I was on the Varsity hockey team my freshman & sophomore year. I was a member of the Varsity football team for three years. I have also played baseball all 4 years here at Central, three years being Varsity competition. This winter I decided to join the power lifting team at Central and really enjoyed it. I learned so much about the importance of staying fit and the effect it has on everything you do. I worked at Nell’s Catering for a year as a server and currently work at Lackore Electric. My duties there are pretty much whatever needs to be done. I only work a few hours a week during the school year because of school commitments but will be working full time this summer. I do data entry, work shipping and receiving, and managing inventory. I am also the resident maintenance & lawn care worker too. As a Member of the Health Science Academy, a school program for students interested in a career in the health field, I have volunteered at numerous local events. These events included the La Crosse Fitness Festival Half Marathon, Stepping out in Pink, YMCA Turkey Trot, and most recently the grand opening of the Gundersen Health Systems Legacy
I have been a four year letter-winner in volleyball and basketball. Athletics have been a crucial part of developing my character and work ethic. In sports, you must work together with your team to reach your goals. Trust and communication skills are vital and are tested every day. The failure and setbacks I have faced through sports have helped me to believe in myself and have the self-confidence that it takes to be successful in athletics and in life. As a senior captain of the volleyball and basketball teams, my leadership has improved tremendously as high school has progressed. Being a leader holds me accountable and I aim to be a role model for younger teammates on the court, in the classroom, and in the community.
Every team requires one, and some say it is the hardest position on the field to play. The hind-catcher is without a doubt a necessity to every ball team’s success. This is the position who can take command of the playing field. If played well, one can have a major impact on how smoothly a team plays together and affect the outcome of the game. There are many requirements for the person who plays the role of the catcher: something as simple as being prepared to play the positon, to having the responsibility of making sure the team has a good relationship with each other. However, the most obvious requirement is the athletic ability required and being physically able to play the position. The position of catcher is not an easy position to play, but is essential to the game of baseball.
Every day many species are slowly becoming either endangered or extinct and recently an endangered bird species called piping plovers, started nesting on Revere Beach. What would seem as a miraculous discovery, many are averse to their new inhabitants on the beach. Many Revere residents are complaining because the piping plovers now occupy parts of “their” beach. But in the article “Revere Beach should welcome the piping plover” The Editorial Board believes that the presence of the piping plover could be greatly beneficial to the city of Revere and I certainly agree. What led me to select this particular article is my concern for the many endangered species in the world like the piping plover. Human hands have led many species to become endangered
Of all sports that I have seen I can say with all confidence I never thought softball would be my sport.When I first thought about playing softball I thought I could never do it. Then as I finally agreed to play softball I was completely petrified. I got on the field and the first thing I did was mess up and I messed up bad. I barely could catch a ball here I was standing there watching everyone play like pros. When I got up to bat I hit the ball but the bat vibrated down and swole up my thumb. I was completely embarrassed and immediately was out cause I was too busy freaking out.
I tried out and made my highschool team. While playing on my highschool team I joined a travel team for the Brooklyn Cyclones while still playing for my church’s high school team. My passion for softball could not be taken away from me. Even when I failed, I did not give up on my dream. Giving up on my dream of being successful in softball would be equivalent to letting down my past self who was just a little girl who fell in love with softball. Playing softball was my parents way of wearing me out, but it was my way of getting away from the problems of the real world and into a world of my own. Between two white chalk lines nothing else mattered, but playing the game I fell in love with when I was only ten years old. On the field, I was able to feel pure bliss. Playing softball for seven years has not only given me joy, but it has also taught me life skills that I use from day to day. I learned to work as a team to achieve a common goal, to communicate with others better, I have learned to cherish my wins while accepting my losses and I have learned no matter what happens in life, you always have to put your heart and soul into everything you
The importance of softball in my life goes unnoticed by others, but I owe everything I am to this sport. I am an organized, cooperative woman who does not let failures affect my work ethic. Although my friends and family do not give my softball career much credit, I am confident that the lessons I’ve taken away from this sport have proficiently prepared me to step up to the plate and score a successful
Baseball has been a part of me for quite a while now. I have done something baseball related each week for the past several years. It has really changed what I like to do in my spare time, and it also had changed my priorities. This was the first sport I would have played, and I haven’t played a different sport since the start of me playing Baseball. There were and still are so many ways baseball has changed my life.
Many people don't understand the point in playing baseball. Why would someone swing a stick, hit a ball, and try to get back to where they started before the ball returns? What pleasure is there in that? Why not participate in a sport like wrestling or track where there is an obvious level of individual improvement and therefore pleasure. Well, I play baseball because of the love I have for the sport, and because of the feeling that overwhelms me every time I walk onto a baseball field. When I walk onto a field I am given the desire to better myself not only as an athlete, but also as a person. The thoughts and feelings I get drive me to work hard towards my goals and to be a better person. The most relevant example of these feelings is when I stepped on the field at Runyon Complex in Pueblo, Colorado during our high school state playoffs in 2003. This baseball field will always be an important place to me.
One diamond, four plates, nine players, a sweaty uniform, cleats, a bat, and a ball are the only things I’ve dreamt of since my first baseball practice when I was three years old. I remember the way it felt to smack the ball off of the tee and have everyone in the stands cheer and scream for me as I ran for first base as fast as I could and never wanting to leave the field even after it had gotten dark outside and all the field lights had been shut off. Baseball has been all I’ve ever wanted to do with my life from the very beginning. I can’t imagine doing anything other than eating, sleeping, and breathing the game of baseball. So when people ask me, “What are your plans after high school?” all I’ve ever known myself to say back was, “I’m not sure but it 'll have something to do with baseball.” With this being said, I have decided to be a baseball coach so I can pass down the knowledge I have for the game I love so much to people younger than me that love it just the same as I have and still do.
years I’ve been playing baseball, and with all the different teams, teammates and coaches, I’ve
Throughout my life, I had always received recognition for being very agile and quick. My first day of Middle School consisted of the track and field coach attempting to persuade me to join the school’s athletics program. I had previously never been apart of an athletics team, and was willing to take advantage of the opportunity. Throughout my three years of middle school, I was the one consistent member of the school’s track and field team and had an overall successful personal record. Coaches from opposing school would praise me leaving me feeling very confident about myself.
In particular, I want to talk about my experiences playing football and baseball. First, at the school I attended they did not have a football team so I figured I was out of luck. However, I discovered there was a club team that anyone in the county could play for. I joined the team as soon as I found out about it, which was in sixth grade. I played all the way through my senior year of high school. What made these times so enjoyable was the family type bond shared between all of the players and with the coaches. The coaches were father like figures, who were there to teach us more than just football. They cared more about us being outstanding young men than they cared about the type of players we were. Sure, they wanted to win as we all did, but they were interested more in developing our characters. This team dynamic made the one hour commute each day well worth
A zoologist has an extremely long list of duties, fieldwork, and studies they must finish during their career (“Occupation Profile: Zoologists and Wildlife Biologists”). Although they must study all biological organisms that they may encounter, a zoologist has the option of branching off into a specified field they would want to study further or even specialize in (“Zoology”). For example, a mammalogist is a zoologist who is specialized in the study of mammals, and a ichthyologist is one who specializes in the study of fish (Storer and Usinger). One of the branches that have become popular is ornithology, the study of birds (Perrins and Harrison). A zoologist must also study the life histories, family trees, genetics, diseases, development, and migra...
be looking at how urban noises and alarms effect birds in there natural habitat. The
Birds have direct and indirect economic and cultural values for people. Birds are important for a lot of reasons. Birds provide us food, medicine, fertilizers and also bring about pollinations. They are important because they are a part of the food chain. Birds are also important because they help spread seeds around and thus help with the planting process. Birds also perform vital ecological role, besides their economical role. They are critical links within the fast food chains and webs that exist in the ecosystem. The economic importance of birds can be studied into two parts – A) Beneficial effect B) Harmful effect.