The Importance Of Environmental Education

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When we really think about it, everything produced by man – no matter how processed – began as natural resources from the earth. Therefore, it is important to remember these origins and learn about our planet. Similarly, as David Orr states, “all education is environmental education.” But, this education, like every man-made product, can be “processed” so much that it becomes detached from its environmental roots. Orr continues, explaining that “by what is included or excluded, emphasized or ignored, students learn that they are a part of or apart from the natural world. Through all education we inculcate the ideas of careful stewardship or carelessness.” Basically, the environmental aspect of education must be included and highlighted in order …show more content…

This is a term coined by Orr and colleague Fritjof Capra meaning “our ability to understand the basic principles of ecology and to live accordingly… seeing the living world as an integrated whole, and recognizing that the major problems of our time are systemic problems — all interconnected and interdependent” (as cited in Center for Ecoliteracy, 2015, p. 5). So not only must we understand that all aspects of life are connected, but so is every aspect of nature. From microscopic single-celled diatoms to the largest whales and every living creature in between, we are all linked together in the same planet we call home. Ecological literacy also promotes open-mindedness and creativity in finding solutions for our problems, because these solutions must be as interdependent as the problems themselves. Lester Brown (2009) explains, “we have gotten ourselves into a situation where we have to effectively respond to each of them [problems: climate stabilization, population stabilization, poverty eradication, restoration of earth’s natural systems] at the same time, given their mutual interdependence” (p. 75). Increased ecological literacy will lead to an improved understanding of our world and more appropriate and efficient solutions to current and future …show more content…

For this environmental education to be effective, it must follow the ideas of ecological literacy in that all natural systems, and therefore all aspects of life, are interdependent. Comprehending ecological literacy will result in a society that wants to and sees the necessity of living a sustainable lifestyle. Environmental education is a positive feedback loop that, if more widely and intensely implemented, will benefit not only humans but the entire

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