Adolescent Observation Report

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Confidential Material

The names used in this Adolescent Observation Report are fictitious. This is absolutely necessary to protect the privacy of the adolescent being observed.

Person observed: Mary Age: 18

Gender: Female

General description: about 5’2”, black hair, brown eyes, about 100 lbs.

Place of observation: at my work, World of Tile Company

Others present: Other co-workers

Cultural group: Chinese

Physical Development

Mary has reached her body height at 5’2”. Although, when she was younger she had to take growth hormones because she was not growing when the rest of her peers were. She was a very late developer and did not start puberty until she was 17.

Mary is very active in school activities such as clubs and softball and tennis. She is very coordinated in her sports and also very fast. Mary was just offered a full scholarship to play tennis at State University.

Nutrition and health habits consist of eating a healthy, well balanced diet. She rarely eats fast food, and never eats sweets. She generally tries to maintain a nutritious diet because she wants to succeed in tennis.

Cognitive Development

In school, Mary is a B average student. She is a Senior in High School and is going to State University in the fall, 2015. Her family moved to the United States when she was very young, so she has been in American schools since pre-school. Her reading and writing skills are pretty average, but she exceeds in math.

Mary is very attentive...

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