Why Mistakes Are Flawed

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On a daily basis, people make mistakes that they do not always take responsibility for because humans are flawed. Many mistakes that are made in an individual's life are small, insignificant, and often do not leave a lesson imprinted on the walls of their long term memory. However, all people, great or not so great, have made or will make a significant mistake in their lives and that person usually learns a great lesson from it. In some cases, the lesson is a life long one that the individual will never forget and possibly pass on to others. Learning is not always painful, however, the things that people learn through mistakes are the lessons that have more impact. Some life lessons are drastic, like drinking and driving and ending up killing an entire family, whereas others are much more minor. In this case, an individual that I know made many mistakes at the beginning of her life as a young adult and possibly the most valuable lesson she learned is that having a plan and organization skills can help lead a person to success. …show more content…

She thought she wanted to become a zoologist and her major matched accordingly. The New York life was stressful for her, mostly because she was a party animal and went to parties more than she did her homework. When she was a senior in high school, she had a dead beat boyfriend, who she was still dating when she moved to New York. One semester of college later, Brandy was already on her way back home due to her boyfriend begging her to drop out and she

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