Why Is Wikipedia Unreliable?

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The reason why Wikipedia is so unreliable there are several dimensions of information quality: accuracy, completeness, currency, comprehensibility, and so on (cf. Fox, Levitin & Redman, 1994). The information suggested that the Wikipedia fails on several of these dimensions. However, people that acquire knowledge from Wikipedia are not as comprehensible and complete as we might expect an encyclopedia to be. There are three reasons to think that significant amount of information on Wikipedia might be inaccurate, first, anyone can contribute to Wikipedia, and many of these contributors will not have much expertise in what they write about. People also can contribute anonymously, some who claim to have expertise or credentials do not (cf. Read, …show more content…

However, consider that there is a tight focus on a horse race during Canadian election campaign; an important question is to ask whether pollsters and journalists interpret the horse race accurately. A person depends on pollsters and journalists to interpret the horse race, and their interpretation will be accurate only if the interpretation by pollsters and journalists is itself accurate (Pétry, F., & Bastien, F. (2013). Larson (2003) directly assessed the accuracy of TV journalists’ interpretations during the horse race and the 2000 US presidential campaign found almost half of these interpretations were inaccurate. One of the main mistakes was journalists’ declaring one candidate “ahead” when his advantage was within the margin of error. The paper examines two testable hypotheses that make distinct but compatible predictions of when inaccuracies occur and when they do not (Pétry, F., & Bastien, F. (2013). Between the relationships of the media and the polling, industries create the motive for some pollsters to be a variance with best practices in poll quality control. As Rosenstiel (2005) argues, recent changes in the use of the polls by the media increasingly unreliable polling practices, with more outlets competing for fewer resources growing reliance on daily tracking polls, to name a few. Similar changes have provoked in the polling industry. In addition, media organization will be judged on the accuracy and reliability of its journalism which must be well sourced, supported by strong evidence, examined and tested, clear and unambiguous. The form of basic news, not a rumor, and speculation the facts must be verified

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