Why Is Reading Important To Me

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I have heard it said that in all of the English language, the most important word is remember. I completely agree with this statement. The ability to remember is the ability to draw from the experiences that we have had in order to help us make decisions that will shape our future. I believe that remembrance is essential to reaching our full potential in this life. I will now attempt to remember and recount the impact that reading has had on me. It is my hope that this reflection of my memories of my literary journey will help you as you remember your own. I am the youngest child in my family, and by a long shot. My next oldest sibling is ten years older than I. Due to the gap in age, an interesting home dynamic was created. …show more content…

Instead, I was turned away from it completely. My parents seemed to force books upon me, and when I became a teenager, I decided to rebel. There is a person inside of me, another part of my nature, who wants to be different. He wants to do things exactly the opposite of the people around him. He is happy when he does. I decided to listen that that portion of me, and by so doing I allowed other aspects of my life to mean more to me than reading. Reading and I were separated, and our relationship was never to be the same. To illustrate the separation from a thing I once loved, I am one of the only people that I know of that started reading the seventh volume of the Harry Potter series without ever finishing it. To this day, it still remains unfinished, with my bookmark in the same spot as it was over three years ago. Due to the fact that reading was pushed upon me so vigorously as a child, it lost its luster to me. I believe that one of the reasons that my interest in reading waned as I was growing up, is that I simply did not understand the importance of reading in my life. I now see why reading and literacy in general is so crucial. Author Sherman

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