Why Is Forrest Gump Unfair

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Amber Rice
American Literature 252 (Online)
Mrs. Reeves
7 March 2017
Forrest Gump “Let me say this: Bein a idot is no box of chocolates.” (Groom 1) Forrest Gump is a novel written by an American novelist, Winston Groom. Groom was born in Washington, D.C. in 1943 and grew up in Mobile, Alabama. Groom attended a local preparatory school for his grade school education; in 1965, he graduated from the University of Alabama. Groom was a war captain in the Vietnam War. The novel was published in 1986 and later was turned into an Academy Award winning film. In 2011, he received the Harper Lee Award. Forrest Gump, the main character, is 6’6 and 242 pounds with an IQ near 70. Although, he isn’t the brightest crayon in the box, he accomplishes more …show more content…

Forrest attended a “normal” school during the first grade, but his lack of attention kept in the classroom forced his teacher to demote him to a more special school. Gump realized early on, life was no box of chocolates, and knew he was treated unfairly by many. Forrest begins, “Bein a idiot is no box of chocolates. People laugh, lose patience, treat you shabby. Now they says folks sposed to be kind to the afflicted, but let me tell you—it ain't always that way.” (Baumbach para.2) Gump stayed at his new school, the “nut” house until his teenage …show more content…

He was good enough to eventually be chosen as a member of the United States Ping-Pong Team. Forrest found himself halfway around the world again, this time being in Peking, China. After touring China, Forrest found out some new information that would take him on his next journey. “They sent me back to Fort Dix after that, but instead of puttin me in the Steam Heat Company, I am tole they is lettin me out of the Army early.” (Groom 85) Gump met back up with Jenny at a protest in Washington. Jenny and her anti-war friends tricked Forrest into making a decision that would lead him to jail. At a rally protesting the war, Gump took his Congressional Medal of Honor pendant and threw it, along with others throwing their medals. It ended up hitting the Clerk of the U.S. Senate on the head. The judge wasn’t sure what to do with him, so he sent him to St. Elizabeth’s mental hospital. At the hospital Forrest was presented with a test. Dr. Duke was so impressed with his results, he suggested Forrest be introduced to

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