I have never really met another character quite like Forrest Gump in a movie. And for that matter, I have never quite seen a movie like “Forrest Gump,” either. In order to describe Forrest Gump, it will take quite an amount of work to make the movie seem more conventional, or normal. The movie is a coined a comedy, I guess. It could be a drama film though, or even a dream. This movie is very magical and creates quite the picture of emotions for anyone who views it.
The film by Eric Roth, has the view of a modern fiction story, which is very uncommon for the modern movies now a days. Tom Hanks plays the hero in this film. His character is a man with an IQ of 75, who during his life, between the years of 1950 and 1980, comes in contact with every major event in American history. And somehow he survives all of these events with only honesty and niceness.
“Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you’re gonna get.” In this film however, when you see Tom Hanks as Forrest and Robin Wright as Jenny, you know you are going to get more than a few laughs and more than a few tears out of this film. In fact, Tom Hanks is probably the only actor who could have played this role as Forrest. Hanks makes Forrest to be a dignified person and so straight-forward. The way he plays Forrest Gump is so breathtaking. This film is not about a mentally retarded man. This movie is a movie of meditation on our times. The movie is seen through the eyes of a man, Forrest, who has no common sense and takes things exactly as they are. After watching the film, the viewer can now understand why some people get criticized or made fun of for being “too clever by half.” Forrest, in this movie, has just the right amount of cleverness to make things ...
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...tness someone with true values of honesty, friendship and family. Forrest is a man with a huge heart and a low IQ, however, he never lets that get in his way. He lets his heart out power his brain and becomes a very successful man. Forrest is a very positive and optimistic person. He always sees the best in people and never stops trying in any situation he is given. At the beginning of the movie, a feather floats down and lands near his feet while waiting on a bench, at the end of the movie, the feather reappears and lands beside him. Forrest then looks up, speaking to the lady beside him on the park bench and asks, “ Do we each have a destiny- or do we just float around accidental, like on a breeze?” While the viewers are deciphering the answer to this particular question, the feather reappears and floats right up through he country side and to the ending credits.
This film also shows that people of different backgrounds can too be in love. This movie illustrates that even though there are differences between two people, doesn’t mean they cannot be together. In the world today, people of all different types are falling in love. This used to be unheard of, but is now becoming a way of life. I feel that this movie did a wonderful job of showing many aspects of love and the difficulties that people may come upon.
Directed by John Ford and based off of John Steinbeck’s novel, The Grapes of Wrath (1940) stars Henry Fonda as Tom Joad who migrates to California with his family during the Great Depression.
Gone with the Wind is a classic fictional love story that depicts life in the old south before, during and after the Civil war. The book was originally written in 1936 by Margret Mitchell, the movie adaptation was released in 1939, directed by Victor Fleming, and staring Clark Gable and Vivian Leigh. Ms. Mitchell grew up listening to Civil war stories from confederate veterans. It was reported that they told her everything; everything that is, except that they had lost the war, she found that out when she was 10 years old. Though the book was written 71 years after the Civil War ended, Ms. Mitchell did her research and appears to have drawn inspiration from those childhood stories that she was told. This is apparent in the detailed description of the clothing, houses, and everyday discussions and interactions of the characters throughout the book. Though not all historically correct most of what is in the book is accurate. During the time the movie was released, “damn” was considered to be vulgar and controversial and they used the term “darkies” to describe the slaves.
Americans function in a normative society, where outliers are either considered dangerous or laughable. The patriarchal ideals upon which the United States was founded placed white heterosexual males at the top of the social ladder, but in so doing, all those who fall short of this specific condition are left struggling to climb toward normalcy. This ideal, however, is challenged by the blithely offensive, obsessive-compulsive main character of the film, As Good as it Gets. It is difficult to imagine an actor besides Jack Nicholson playing the part of Melvin Udall, whose neurotic behavior is a part of his particular brand of charm. Noted film critic, Roger Ebert, gave the film a three-star rating, stating that, “It is some kind of twisted tribute to Nicholson that he’s able to use this dialogue in what is, after all, a comedy.” Melvin casually insults everyone with whom he comes into contact, his interactions with people limited to remarks that are purposely hurtful and derogatory. But he gets away with it because that is the nature of American film comedy. Comedies allow audiences to laugh at what makes them uncomfortable, offering them a way to deal with recognizable social anxieties (Belton 164). Melvin exposes these anxieties with every jab and jibe he makes, each a commentary on the theme of race, class, sexuality, and gender.
Warren Beatty was the main character in this film. Virginia Hill was Bugsy’s love interest. These two actors did a wonderful job of acting in a manner congruent with the times of the 40’s. The cast was sprinkled with tremendous talent such as Harvey Keitel, Ben Kingsley, and Elliot Gould. As a whole I think the cast did a magnificent job taking the viewers to an era of America, which is not easily forgotten by those who lived through it. A time when the world was being destroyed by the Nazi Germans was over shadowed by America’s self-involvement. A time when Americans were beginning to be proud of their little world power was accented by the world war.
But on the other hand the movie is telling us that we need to do whatever we want with our knowledge to be happy in life. You do not necessarily need to be making the most money or driving the nicest car, you just need to do whatever is going to make you happy. Will makes the decision to not take the job right away but instead go after his girlfriend in California, because that is what is going to make him the most happy. Society says that you must be pretty smart if you have a Bachelor’s Degree, or a Master’s Degree, but there can be people out there who are smarter than you just because they were not great students in the classroom, but were well educated. This movie really makes you think about the different ways that people can become educated and become a good person in
The original film has a lot of things going for it. It has a lot of comedic heavyweights in it, like Ted Knight, Bill Murray, Rodney Dangerfield, Brian Doyle-Murray, and Chevy Chase. The film is a winner with all of its quotable dialogue, great characters, and slapstick humor. In the sequel, only Chevy Chase returned after a lot of pushing on the studio 's part. It was a needless sequel that should not have been made.
In the beginning of the movie the audience knows that there is something wrong with Forrest Gump. He talks to strangers as if they were a friend, and had braces as a child. The audience also learns that he has an IQ
It is a great example of how persevering through life’s obstacles can make life even better than before. Being different creates many challenges for Forrest, however, he shows inner strength as he fights through these challenges. Along with this, Forrest Gump shows how having support while trying to escape a dark path will make success easier. Therefore, the movie reveals that life will not always be perfect, but it is important to persevere through the adversity that it is filled with. Ultimately, no matter the circumstances, any obstacle can be
Good Will Hunting is the graceful tale of a young gentleman’s struggle to find out where he belongs in the world, by first finding out who he himself is. In this film, Matt Damon takes on the role of a disturbed genius that has a keen understanding of the deepness of human character. The film is a voyage through the mind of Will Hunting as he is required to undergo psychotherapy as an alternative to serving jail time. With the assistance of a psychologist, played by Robin Williams, Will learns about himself and recognizes his individual worth in the world by comprehending what is most important to him in his own life. This motion picture serves as a source of superb example for film technique. Gus Van Sant’s directing ability joined with the writing skills of Matt Damon and Ben Affleck, who also plays Will’s best buddy, Chuckie, is a vibrant mixture of technical features used to induce sentiment and compassion amongst the viewers of this heart-warming film. Characteristics of the color, angles, shots, camera movement, editing, and distortions are all each particularly noteworthy to the general composition of Van Sant’s Good Will Hunting.
For this assignment, I decided to do my film review on To Kill a Mockingbird (Mulligan, R., & Pakula, A. (Directors). (1962). To Kill a Mockingbird[Motion picture on VHS]. United States of America.) I have a personal connection to this film because it is one of my most beloved novels by Harper Lee. I have never watched the film so it was a nice experience to see the characters I have loved for years come to life just before my eyes. The film particularly focuses on a white family living in the South of the United States in the 1930s. The two siblings, Jem and Scout Finch, undergo major changes while experiencing evil and injustice in their small town of Maycomb. Jem and Scout’s father is named Atticus and he is a well-respected man in the town as well as being a lawyer.
Candide, which has been credited the base for the book and movie Forrest Gump, features a main character teeming with naiveté. Pangloss says all is for the better and Candide lives by this edict with unaltered optimism. Faced with death and fatigue, Candide is befriended only to be enlisted in the Bulgarian army. Escaping death a few more times, he sees the pains of war and masks the pain with philosophy.
The author desists being himself and tried to act similar to the people around him, but that doesn't work, you should be yourself. Moreover, he knew that you can cheat yourself from reaching your goals, or your dreams, that is another reason why he made this brief film. When you fail to try your hardest at what your aspirations are in life, you are cheating yourself out of accomplishing something tremendous with your life. Nobody else may know or care that you cheated, but you know and you should care, due to it is your life nobody
...nd genuine kindness extend further than just treating the President of the United States like a normal person, even though Forrest Gump is ignorant of the ‘issues’ of different people. At the University of Alabama, two African American students are granted acceptance after an enormous ordeal on blacks going to colleges with whites because of the insane amount of racism the United States of America had. As the two African American students made their way up the staircase, one dropped a book and Forrest rushed through police officers and rioters to pick up the book and hand the book to the colored student who dropped it. Forrest’s ignorance definitely contributes to his selflessness and generosity towards people who are different (during the time period in American history the movie was based on), however, it is one of his traits that makes him a true unexpected hero.
Love greed and corruption are the issues surround the movie Great Gatsby as they hit the United States of America city Ney York in the jazz ages. Derived from F. Scott Fitzgerald’s novel, the movie is close to the book getting almost all the conversations from it. Fitzgerald terms the innocent as corrupt, and those corrupt were innocent. The film uses this contradictory statement to describe the relationship between the government and the public. The film start Gatsby is a tragic hero who exhibits the fundamental distinctiveness of being a present-day hero. In the film, he portrays a common person who encompasses the characteristics of a tragic flaw, ultimately in he goes through a catastrophic fall out of love. Fitzgerald incorporated as much of himself through Gatsby to relay his character to the real world. He quotes that something that one strives for in the real world in several years leaves you perplexed once you have obtained them.