Why Is Dance A Dance Essay

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A Rich and Expansive History Many people will insist that dance is not a sport, but they are wrong. Dance, though also an art, is an intense sport, especially ballet. Sports are physically demanding, require a commitment, involve being fit and active, and are competitive and enjoyable. Ballet fits every single criterion above. A professional ballerina attends class every day, including tests of flexibility, gracefulness, and strength. Ballerinas are also continually rehearsing for their performances, which involve stressful costume changes. Nevertheless, dancers love it. Indeed, ballet should be considered a sport by all. Ballet is an old art and intense discipline that has endured for hundreds of years with a long, complex, and remarkable history including famous men and women remembered to this day. “Ballet as an art form began in the late 1400s during the Renaissance, in the Royal courts of France and Italy” (Mitchell 6). The dancing at this time consisted of simple steps, small hops, curtsies, promenades and gentle turns. The dancing was kept simple for two reasons. First, none …show more content…

Ballet is beautiful, touching and tells an enchanting story or expresses deep emotion. There will always be people who love dancing and dedicate their lives to it, losing their problems in the magic of performing. There will always be people to continue choreographing ballets, those with expansive creative genius. There will always be people to compose music for ballets, whose fount of ideas never runs dry. Of course, there will always be people to attend a ballet performance; the seats will be filled with ballet lovers anticipating the spellbinding charm of the dancing. Ballet is always changing its costumes, portrayal, music, and dancing, but its purpose and goal still remain the same. Ballet’s rich history and background are always expanding and adding new dancers, choreographers, and composers to

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