Why Is Animal Testing Bad

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Mistreating animals is the only thing that can come from animal testing, or most think that way. Animals should not be use for testing medical treatments, because the animals could be hurt or killed from it, they’re bodies can be deformed or changed, and people only see them as experiments and not living things. Animals for testing are described as ‘’any live or dead dog, cat, monkey, guinea pig, hamster, rabbit, or other warm blooded animals." That doesn’t add birds, rats and mice, cold-blooded animals, and farm animals. Lets talk about why animal testing is bad. Animals used for tests, can infact be killed, an English Physician William Harvey (1578-1657) discovered that the heart, and not the lungs, circulated blood through the body as a result of his experiments on living animals. Animals were also sent to space, it turned out like this, several monkeys died in unmanned space …show more content…

Animal testing does have its reasons to be a good thing, but animal testing is more of a bad thing than a good, because living things lose their lives, will that is if you believe they are living things (Roman physician and philosopher Galen, engaged in the public dissection of animals , which was actually a popular form of entertainment at the time. He also engaged in animal vivisection in order to develop theories on human anatomy, physiology,and other things. In one of his experiments, he demonstrated that the arteries, which were believed to contain air, actually contained blood. He believed that animal physiology was very similar to that of humans, but despite this similarity he had little sympathy for the animals on which he experimented. He recommended that his students vivisect animals without any pity or compassion for the animals as well as warned that the unpleasing expression of the ape when it is being vivisected was to be expected.) Trust me they are living

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