Why I Would Pray To Poseidon

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Scenario 1: You have to travel to another land to sell your wool but you have no place to stay.
Who: I would pray to Hermes (Mercury), god of commerce.
What: I would pray to him to ensure a safe travel and place to stay.
Why: Hermes was the protector of travelers. He is known for his helpfulness to mankind. He was the messenger and link between the mortals and the Olympians, as well as being on his own initiative. He aided Perseus when he set out to face Medusa, and in one a version of the story Hermes loaned him his magic sandals which gave him the ability to fly. I would pray to Artemis (Diana), goddess of chastity, virginity, hunt, the moon and natural environment. Knowing that she was the goddess of the natural environment I would pray …show more content…

Who: I would pray to Poseidon (Neptune), god of the sea, earthquakes, and horses.
What: I would pray to Poseidon to stop making the earth shake to try to protect my home.
Why: Poseidon has the ability to create earthquakes with his trident. When In a bad mood Poseidon strikes the ground with his trident causing earthquakes and other destruction surrounding water. Praying or offering a sacrifice could cause him to not be in such a bad mood. I would only pray to Hestia because she is the goddess of hearth and due to her being recognized to be the most gentle of all Olympians. Praying to her could possibly save my home from destruction.

Scenario 3: The winter is uncharacteristically long. You are worried about your crops freezing over.
Who: I would pray to Demeter (Ceres), goddess of corn, grain, harvest, the earth, and agriculture.
What: I would pray for her to make winter come to an end, so I wouldn’t have to worry about my …show more content…

You are worried he will not come back.
Who: I would pray to Athena (Minerva), goddess of reason, intelligent activity, arts and literature and also those of war.
What: I would pray to her for to assist and give my son wisdom and reason during his battles.
Why: Since Athena was fierce and brave in battle. She took part in wars that defended the state and home from outside enemies. Athena was the embodiment of wisdom, reason, and purity. Choosing her due to having experience and not being known as cruel in battle. I would also pray to Hestia (Vesta), goddess of hearth, family, and domestic life. I would pray to her for to protect my son in war, so I would not have to worry about my son returning. Hestia was the goddess of family, considering this she could prevent my family from losing a son due to her being the gentlest of all Olympians.

Scenario 5: You think your spouse is unfaithful.
Who: I would pray to Hera (Juno), goddess of

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