Why I Want To Be A Cdp In Criminal Justice

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My interests in government and law first arose in grade 10 of high school when I took both civics and law classes. Here is where I first learned about the importance of the constitution, charter and the government’s role in the criminal justice system. This is also where I first learned about government policy and the importance of accountability and oversight in the criminal justice system. I immediately became captivated by these classes and knew that I wanted to do something in this field. My experiences in the Criminal Justice and Public Policy (CJPP) undergraduate degree have led me to become passionate about several criminal justice issues such as corrections, penology, victimology and public policy. One specific area of interest that I have found incredibly captivating is the accountability and oversight of the courts, judiciary, police and the media when reporting on criminal justice issues. Over the four years in my program, I have had the opportunity to learn about an immense number of criminal justice issues and methodologies that have created a desire to continue learning and practicing in the criminal justice field. As the CJPP program can be very demanding, it has allowed me to develop my problem-solving, communication, organizational, and time management skills. …show more content…

Like most, I had always thought that law was the only career choice and it was the perfect career for me. Although it is still an option, I have found myself interested in continuing research about criminal justice issues. I am also considering a career as a policy analyst due to my interests in the program. Overall, I feel that I have grown and expanded my beliefs and I look forward to continuing to do

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