Why I Just Asked My Students To Put Their Laptops Away Analysis

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In the article, “Why I Just Asked my Students to Put Their Laptops Away,” by Clay Shirky, he explains that the reason he does not allow the use of technology in his classroom is because pop-ups or Facebook alerts are distracting to the students. Instead, they have class discussions and are able to stay focused on the topic and their ideas and conversations flourish. He believes that the use of devices and being distracted with personal alerts or interesting, not relative advertisements is like drunken multitasking. There is actually much that I agree on in this text. From personal experience, I myself or a friend have constantly guilty of this distraction. While reading Shirky’s article, I looked over my laptop several times to watch a murder trial on television, and it was not until I “finished” the article that I realized I gained nothing from it. I honestly thought it was an article bias to books because Shirky was old fashioned and until I actually read it a second time did I realize the irony of the situation. …show more content…

“Students Can’t Resist Distraction for Two Minutes… and neither can you,” an article provided by Bob Sullivan offers support in this claim. He states “Brain researchers say that what many people call multitasking should really be called “rapid toggling” between tasks, as the brain focuses quickly on one topic, then switches to another, and another.” When students are doing work on their own, it is impossible for them do keep their phone out their hands any more than two minutes, thus there is a gap or murmur when trying to process information; we think we are reading a passage in a book, but in reality we will only remember or think about the image most interesting to us; a friend tagging us in a photo on

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