Why Does The Matrix Exist

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The Matrix- Part 1

The Matrix does exist is some sense and although the movies give a great metaphorical explanation of the matrix it is not one giant program we are all living inside but rather a system that exists within our world and existence. Many believe it to be the internet but the matrix is much larger than this as it exists in both the real and the virtual world and has been around since the start of human kind.

To be able to understand the vastness of the matrix you need to just step back and forget what you know and challenge the conventional thought of civilization, and to all those narrow minded thinkers out there you might as well stop reading now. The Matrix is best described by this quote, “It is the machinery of society that exists …show more content…

The matrix insulates the individual from creative thought and causes them to feel as though they cannot survive without large institutions. Computers and the internet are products of the matrix but provide individuals with a means to create structures outside of the matrix while still on a world-wide scale. Before computers and the internet were such an integral part of our lives escaping the matrix was still possible, one of the largest examples of this was in the 1960s where people opposed the “system” and created art, culture and music all aided with the use of psychedelic drugs, this movement is also known as the hippy movement. The internet and psychedelics are merely catalysts for becoming aware of the matrix, as both these allow you to escape from the programmed reality and way of thought and allow you to take perceptions into your own

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