Comparison of the Matrix and Ender's Game

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Comparison of the Matrix and Ender's Game

There are many similarities between the motion picture, Matrix, and Orson Scott Card’s Ender’s Game. The most striking of these is the way the movie and the book begin. The first chapter of the book begins with a conversation between two IF agents about how one believes that ender is the one. Similarly, in the movie the first words are from Trinity, also stating her belief that Neo is “the one”. The theme of the “chosen one” who is destined to save the human race is dominant in both the movie and book.

Men that were later to become their instructors and teachers chose both Neo and Ender. For Ender that man was Colonel Graff and for Neo he was Morpheus, both of who believed in their pupils even when others had doubts.

Ender and Neo were uprooted from there normal lives (Ender was a student and Neo a programmer), by people who stood above ordinary men and women, and had the ability to watch them. In the book these people were part of a government group called the IF, International Fleet, and in the Matrix they were inhabitants of the Zion, the only humans left that were free of the slavery of the mind that is the Matrix. In both cases the life of the humans is threatened by something that is not human but very powerful. They are referred to as the “buggers” in Ender’s Game, and in the Matrix it is computers that turned against human beings.

Ender and Neo go through intensive training through the use of technology. They are given program, or games as they are referred to in the book), to prepare them for what is expected in the real war to save the human race. For their training, both had to travel else where, Ender to space on a spaceship and Neo to Zion, the only remaining


... middle of paper ... the movie and the book have multiple matrices related with each other exactly the way matrices are related in mathematics. There are different dimensions of matrices in mathematics, and society alike, starting from single family and ending with multidimensional matrices of politics, religion,

entertainment, and countless others. All of these matrices are related with each other and with specific operations of individuals. The book and the movie demonstrate the interaction of multiple matrices, from single to multi-dimesional. It shows the destruction and the development of systems and the impact of one individual on the largest matrix, the human race.

Works Cited

Card, Orson Scott Ender's Game

Doherty, Tom Associates, LLC Pub. Date: June 1994 Edition Desc: REVISED

Whorkowski, dir. The Matrix. Village Road Show Pictures, 1999.

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