Why Do We Sleep?

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The average person spends one-third of their life sleeping. Currently very little is known about why we sleep, which is interesting because there has been lot of research. Studies have shown that sleeping can benefit memory, increase awareness, and even lower stress. The study of sleep is important because it could reveal how the brain works, a less time-consuming alternative, leading to a more productivity, and even improvements in general health. Currently there is only speculation and theories for why we sleep, and dream. With all the theories out there it is hard to pick out which one is correct, which is why all should be studied. Through this paper I hope to learn more about why we sleep, and what are some possible alternatives. Another question that intrigues me, that I hope to learn more about, is what our brains do during sleep that makes it so vital. A third topic of interest, to me, in this field is the science of dreaming, why we do it and what they can tell us. Although tons of research has been conducted in the field it is still considered to be a major gray area in science. Several colleges now offer classes that explore the mysteries of the sleep world. Many scientists say that sleep is one of the biggest untouched gold mines in science today. Further progress could lead to an increase in productivity, health, and wellbeing, making it a valuable and interesting topic to research.

Why do we Sleep?
Scientists have studied sleep from many different angles but still can't tell us why we do it. Studies have been conducted on sleep deprivation, sleep patterns, and the different stages of sleep. In spite decades of increasing research and discoveries the question, "why we sleep" has yet to be answere...

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...In essence, the theory states that bad dreams act as a device used to prepare the individual for a threat of any kind. Even though the nightmare may be unrealistic, the theory states that it still has a purpose in preparing for combatting and avoiding any threat.
Theories are difficult, because they haven’t, yet, been proven, or disproven, making a definitive answer implausible. For now there is no answer for “Why we Dream”, but we can continue our search for a correct theory, in hopes that we do indeed find one.
Although the questions of this paper could not be answered directly, it is important to study theories as they are the foundation for research and new knowledge in the field. Additionally an accurate theory is equal to an inaccurate one, as both spark questions, debates, and new ideas all adding knowledge to the gray area that is the world of sleep.

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