Why Do People Want To Have So Many Tattoos And Piercings?

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Why do people want to have so many Tattoos and piercings? In a world where everyone wants to stand out and be different, the image of how employees should look has to change. With so many young people creating so much change on how normal people look, as an employer it makes you think about changing your outlook on the subject. In the next couple years, only more and more people will have Tattoos and piercings. The huge increase in tattoos and body piercings has cause conflicts, which have actually ended up in court. (Elzweig, 2011) that being said with a world that is trying so hard to be different from previous generations, why is it such a problem with companies? Is it because so many large companies have older people running them that have very different views on what they want to see in their employees. Being a young person that sees so many people with piercings and tattoos, all they think about is fitting in now and not realizing that having those could affect you later on in life when trying to get a good paying job. People don’t realize that a company has an image to uphold that maybe tattoos and piercing just don’t fit in their company. And that’s what most people need to …show more content…

In essence, employment decisions can be based on any factor they desire, as long as it does not run contrary to any specific laws.” With that a small business can choose who they want to represent their business; they have the right to choose someone who doesn’t have tattoos and someone who does. As a business owner they have that right to choose who works for their business. They are the ones you will work with every day, someone with tattoos or piercings could possibly be the best employee that you have ever had. The company will never know unless they give that person a chance not based on looks but their personality. The most hardworking people can be totally misjudged by their

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