Why Do People Encourage Employees To Join A Union?

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There are many reasons why people feel compelled to join a union. Often, it is for better wages and benefits, or job security, but employees are most influenced to join a union when the company is perceived to be unfair, unresponsive, or offering substandard working conditions to employees. To minimize employee dissatisfaction and keep the desire for union representation at bay, employers should have fair and consistent policies in place, open door policies, competitive pay and benefits, as well as employee trust and recognition. If employees do decide to form a union, an organizing committee will begin gathering employee information, educating employees about how the union can benefit them, and advising them of what their rights are. They …show more content…

Once a union gets signed cards from at least 30% of the employees in its targeted group, it can file a petition for representation with the NLRB - or, if a union gets more than 50% of the employees to sign authorization cards, it may present the employer with a demand for recognition of the union - however, most employers are not willing to concede (Boyce, n.d.). If an employer says no to the card check voluntary recognition of the union without an election, the labor union will continue gathering signatures of employees interested in hosting an election. Once an election petition has been filed, management is limited in what they can say and do. Labor unions secured the legal right to represent employees in their relationships with their employers when the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA), passed in 1935. This put legal restraints on management that are overseen by the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB). Most of these restraints fall into one of the following four categories: promising, interrogating, threatening, and spying. Below are

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