Why Baseball Is Important To Me Research Paper

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Some gigantic aspects in my life are baseball,family,and my friends. I enjoy baseball because it thrills me. my family is a big part of my life because they love me and care for me. My friends are very important to me because i can laugh with them and hang out with them.these three thing are really important to me.

Baseball is my favorite thing to do. I like baseball for many reasons. The most important won is winning. I really like to win,and I hate losing. Having fun and being part of team are also important i do not like watching baseball but i love playing it.

My family is super important to me because they love me and care for me. They feed me and are very nice. I have three sisters that always take me places with them.I have one nephew and two nieces that are really cool . My family surround me with love every time i see one of them. I am lucky to have the family i have. …show more content…

They are funny and somewhat nice they are fun to hang out with. We play football basketball and baseball. We used to fight a lot but now we don’t as much never the less my friends are still really

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