Implementing WHS Policies: A Legislative Guide

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BSBWHS401A Implement and monitor WHS policies, procedures and programs to meet legislative requirements
Assessment Task 2: Work Health and Safety Project
Part A: Develop handouts
Handout 1: Legislation
Explain the purpose of Work Health and Safety legislation, including the function of a WHS Act, WHS regulation and WHS Code of Practice:
Purpose of WHS legislation The purpose of the WHS legislation is to ensure that the workplace is safe and secure for employees from any elements of danger that may occur in the workplace. This legislation provides the guidelines to design and implement workplace safety risk control tools for the organizations to follow.
Function of WHS Act, WHS regulation and WHS Code of Practice • Design OHS policies and procedures …show more content…

Employees roles and responsibilities under WHS legislation The role and responsibilities of employees in the workplace are
• Reasonable care for their own health and safety
• Care for the health and safety of others that may be affected by their acts or omissions
• Cooperate with OHS requirements on any omissions that the employer may have.

Include at least 3 references for further sources of useful information
1. Work safe website
2. Safe work Australia website
Handout 2: Identifying hazards and risk control in the office environment
Process of identifying hazards and risk control
• Checking the workplace to see how tasks are performed
• Consulting with employees about the health and safety issues experienced at …show more content…

Is the floor space free of debris? What hazards did you find on the floor space?
Debris and liquid that could cause fatal injuries. Bringing out warning signs to alert other staff members of the dangers in the workplace Concealing the area to ensure that people working in the area clean a mess without the hassle of worrying about other people
Is the area clear of electrical lead/network cables? What hazards did you find with electrical lead/network cables? Incorrect power flows to machinery Read the recommended use of cables for the appropriate machine Training staff about the code violations for the operation of machinery
Are waste paper bins free of hazardous materials e.g. broken glass What hazards did you find with the waste paper bins? Not putting waste in the correct bins Train people so that they can understand the way waste is supposed to be thrown away Create signs that are visible and understandable to other employees that may forget the use of bins
Is there sufficient ventilation? What hazards did you find with the ventilation? Vents were not clean Provide other means of ventilation like windows if it’s not safe to use the inbuilt ventilation systems. Half yearly cleaning of ventilation by service

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