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The development of Macbeth's character
Shakespeare explores guilt in Macbeth
Shakespeare explores guilt in Macbeth
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Recommended: The development of Macbeth's character
Macbeth would have killed King duncan even if his wife wanted him to or not. When he found out that he would become king from the witches he wanted fame and fortune and for his family to be in control. He acted like he would have killed the king because of the way he acted towards Banquo, more distance not as welcoming and friendly. The encouragement definitely came from his wife but his overall decision was made by himself nobody can make you do anything.
Macbeth was very scared when the witches appeared, after he was told he got happy, more secure with himself. He probably did not decide to do until he thought about it some more and came up with a plan. His overall character made him seem like a guilty person or someone who would do
He decided he didn't want to follow through with the plan, then Lady Macbeth began to question him and insult him in a way trying to make him rethink his decision. The three witches forced Macbeth to kill king Duncan, in the beginning, they made him evil and once he did kill the king all types of bad things began to happen to the world. Macbeth gradually became eviler as he killed more people to cover up his first murder. It was all the witches fault they got in his head and made him want to kill, then he did. The three witches and Lady Macbeth forced Macbeth to do something he didn't want to do, like a bully would force a person to do anything they want them to do.
In fear of losing this power to his friend Banquo or his son Fleance, whom of which the witches said would be king after Macbeth and would yield a long line of kings, Macbeth had them murdered in the woods while they were out horseback riding. This proves that he truly believes in what the witches have to say about him and his future, which leads him to back to seek out more of the witches half truths to see what else would come of his future. The next set of prophecies that the witches had to offer were shown in a set of three apparitions. The first said “Macbeth! Macbeth! Macbeth! Beware Macduff. Beware the thane of Fife,” the second apperition then spoke “none of woman born can harm Macbeth,” the third aperition then said “Macbeth shall never vanquish’d be until Great Birnam Wood to high Dunsinane Hill Shall come against him”(Shakespeare,168-170). Some say it was the witches fault for Macbeth’s actions next, but in reality it was Macbeth’s and Macbeth’s alone. Due to these three prophecies Macbeth’s level of arrogance went up along with his hunger for power as well, his level of common sense was decreasing faster and faster. Macbeth’s lack of common sense caused him to make rash decisions without thinking them through. Such as when he says “From this moment the very firstlings of my
Instead of encouraging him to do right, his wife, played the biggest role in his demise. Lady Macbeth used different strategies to persuade Macbeth. For example, she questioned his manliness to trigger his anger because she knew he wouldn’t want his own wife to question him. So, he followed along, uncertain of what his actions might cause to himself and to the people around him. “Are you afraid to be the same man in reality as the one you wish to be?” said Lady Macbeth, meaning that she knew Macbeth does In fact want to become king and is onboard with idea, he was just not ready to take actions in order to achieve the position.
if the witches can be right once then they may be right again i.e. He
Macbeth, the play was one of Shakespeare's bloody and goriest tragedies. It was based on a true story of the Celtic throne. It is a play about murder, power, ambition, greed and deception.
One of the things that influenced Macbeth’s change of morality was his wife’s pressure. The first thing that Lady Macbeth pressured Macbeth into doing was killing King Duncan. He was not sure about actually doing it, but he did it anyway. That started his change of morality. Another thing that Lady Macbeth pressured Macbeth into doing was taking the crown. He wanted to be King, but was not certain if he wanted to do what was necessary to get it. When Lady Macbeth was pressuring Macbeth into taking the crown, she said ‘Wouldst though have that Which thou esteem’st the ornament of life, And live a coward in thine own esteem, Letting ‘I dare not’ wait upon ‘I would,’ Like the poor cat i’ th’ adage?’-Lady Macbeth (1.7.41-15). She is calling Macbeth a coward if he doesn’t kill King Duncan. Lady Macbeth also convinced Macbeth to lead the country once he was king. That is when he felt the most of his guilt from killing the King and taking
Macbeth is a true Shakespearian tragedy, in which mast murders take place, in order for one man and women to take the throne and become king and queen. It starts with Duncan’s murder, which is done because Macbeth did not want to see Duncan’s son next in line for the throne and the only way to prevent that was by eliminating Duncan. The nest murder was that of Banquo. Banquo is a friend of Macbeth and his murder is un-predictable. Macbeth may have feared that if he did not kill Banquo, Banquo would kill him in order to gain a position power seeing that the witch’s just informed both Macbeth and Banquo that Macbeth will be the next King of Scotland and Banquo will never have the chance to hold the throne. Once Banquo is out of the way, Macbeth turns his attention to his real target, King MaCduff. Although at first hesitant about killing MaCduff, Macbeth chooses to murder MaCduff, a man who Macbeth himself said was a good man and a fine leader. The last murder is of MaCduff’s family. Macbeth can not take any chances and must kill any associated with the former king (King MaCduff). The murder of MaCduff’s wife and son is the most vicious crime of them all because for one we see the killing on stage and number two a child is murdered, the most vicious and horrific thing one can show. Macbeth murders for personal gain and has no regrets or else he would not have continued his mass slaughtering. Macbeth is responsible for these murders because he commits them himself, without any assistance, he kills everyone out of necessity, and because all these acts were done out of free will.
During the events that transpire in “the scottish play”, it could be argued that there is some person or force that could be blamed for things. Banquo’s death was planned by Macbeth, and Macbeth’s death was foreshadowed by the witches. But when you go back to the event that started all the conflict in the play, who is really to blame? Even though Macbeth is technically the one who did the killing, blame cannot be fully placed upon him. There are multiple factors that have a serious affect on Macbeth’s judgment. The witches have a psychological effect on Macbeth because they put the idea of becoming king in his head. His wife, Lady Macbeth also contributes to his unclear judgment by causing him to go thru with the murderous plan. Although macbeth does
Macbeth is very superstitious –he asks the witches to stay and tell him more about his potential fortune and destiny. “Stay you imperfect speakers, tell me more.” (Act 1, scene 3, line 70). During the first meeting with the witches, he is immediately intrigued and starts to process what the witches have said, ordering them to explain who they are. Macbeth is aware of the imperfections of the witches and how dangerous they are but yet, he wants to feed his curiosity and know more about his oncoming future. Macbeth is willing to blank out and ignore negative influence for his personal gain.
After a long trial and many witnesses reporting their experiences, I have come to the conclusion, that Macbeth should receive a punishment for some of the charges he has been charged by the prosecution team. I believe that Macbeth is guilty for First degree murder of King Duncan, Murder of the servants, Murder of Banquo and Treason and regicide. I believe that the prosecuting team has been able to prove these charges guilty beyond reasonable doubt. For the charge of attempted murder of Fleance, I am not super sure and for the charge of murder of Macduff’s family there isn’t enough definitive evidence.
Lady Macbeth learned that her husband, Macbeth, would become king in the end, a prophecy foretold by The Three Witches, in The Tragedy of Macbeth by William Shakespeare. She thought, since she would in the end either way gain the title of queen, she might as well make it happen quicker. Her irrational desires and plans led to her downfall. The consequences of her actions filled her with guilt, guilt that made her mentally unstable and irrational. In the end, irrationality is what led her to grow unstable, run with guilt, and end her life.
The three witches told Macbeth his future and they knew he would try to stop them and they didn't tell him the consequences. “I have no spur to prick the sides of my intent, but only Vaulting ambition, which o'erleaps itself And falls on the other” (1.7.25-28) Macbeth wants the power to himself, as he is hungry for power and becoming royalty he would of been loyal to Duncan if he didn't know that he would be king if he had to kill him. They lead Macbeth into “Darkness” telling him what he wanted to hear and not what would happen if he went out of his way to stop the prophesies true which would end to him dying. These witches helped fuel his ambitions that made him crave
Macbeth would never have thought seriously about killing Duncan without the witches. The witches are responsible for putting the idea and thought into Macbeth’s mind. As a brave leader of the king’s army, Macbeth’s main goal should be to serve and receive his reward in heaven. After his encounter with the witches, this is not the case anymore. Ambition is what drives Macbeth, and he only needs the suggestion of what could be his for him to go get it.
The true hand of the death and who's at fault to send such a king down. At the death of the King Duncan making the man named Macbeth the throne. However the death was a life cut shorter than naturally intended. At the silver seductive tongue of Macbeth’s wife has him kill the king over night. Framing others after the deed was done to protect themselves from blame of the treason of such act. Ideas of the deathly hands being not the same but an act to please another named Lady Macbeth.
If MacBeth had never been persuaded to kill Duncan, MacBeth probably would not have committed any other murder crimes throughout the rest of the play. One could blame Lady MacBeth for persuading her husband to become a killer --- blame women’s ability to manipulate men into having bad character. Though, one could also blame MacBeth, seeing as he was responsible for his own decisions. MacBeth had the option of how strongly he stood up to his wife for his moral beliefs, and he chose to barely defend his opinion. It’s clear that neither MacBeth nor his wife were solely responsible for his final decision to murder King Duncan. Without his wife’s persuasion, MacBeth would not have killed the king, but MacBeth could have chosen to not be so easily persuaded by his wife.