The Change Of Morality In Shakespeare's Macbeth

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In Shakespeare’s Macbeth, Macbeth’s morality changes throughout the course of the play. He goes from being reluctant to kill an innocent man, to paying mercenaries to kill his best friend, just because his children and descendants will be kings, according to the prophecies. Macbeth’s morality changes through influences, such as his wife’s pressuring, the witches’ prophecy, and the fact that his plan worked for so long.
One of the things that influenced Macbeth’s change of morality was his wife’s pressure. The first thing that Lady Macbeth pressured Macbeth into doing was killing King Duncan. He was not sure about actually doing it, but he did it anyway. That started his change of morality. Another thing that Lady Macbeth pressured Macbeth into doing was taking the crown. He wanted to be King, but was not certain if he wanted to do what was necessary to get it. When Lady Macbeth was pressuring Macbeth into taking the crown, she said ‘Wouldst though have that Which thou esteem’st the ornament of life, And live a coward in thine own esteem, Letting ‘I dare not’ wait upon ‘I would,’ Like the poor cat i’ th’ adage?’-Lady Macbeth (1.7.41-15). She is calling Macbeth a coward if he doesn’t kill King Duncan. Lady Macbeth also convinced Macbeth to lead the country once he was king. That is when he felt the most of his guilt from killing the King and taking …show more content…

Because they were all used on him, he was affected a great deal. His wife’s convincing, urging, and pressuring kick started the change. The confusing words of the witches’ prophecies helped to give it direction, and his ‘brilliant’ plan gave him an end goal to work towards. If it was not for these influences, Macbeth’s morality might not have gone through such a drastic change. In conclusion, Macbeth’s change of morality was influenced very much by his wife’s pressure, the witches’ prophecies, and his own

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