What part of Health interests me most and why?

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Coming up with a specific answer to that question is a somewhat difficult task for me, only because I would have a hard time committing to one answer. The answer to that question is something I am expecting to discover a little further along my educational journey, so to speak. The two aspects of health I have particular interest in are the mind, aspiring to create balance from the psychological perspective, and the body, specifically the health of the bones, muscles, and nerves. If I had to answer that question right now I would begin by trying to narrow down my interest as best I can. The general subject I currently find the most interesting is how the human body produces movements, and in what way are those movements the most efficient.
>As I have never taken a Biomechanics class I cannot say whether or not that would be the specific field I would like to specialize in, but I find the prospect of learning how the human body's muscles and bones work together to produce structurally sound movements to be an extremely interesting one. The primary reason I am interested in these ...

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