What Would It Be Like To Live On Mars?

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Research essay: settlement on space

Setting settlement is the leading man living permanently outside the Earth. There many reasons to leave our home and find place to keeping our human race, because humans believe that one day the world will probably not suitable to live anymore. For example, the expansion of the population of the human civilization, and how to survive after the disaster on earth or in the Earth atmosphere. It also includes the quest of resources that begin running out and not enough to the future world population. Settlement on space or space colonization is very difficult because of the high cost. It also need to concern about creation of environmental conditions that have to be suitable for number of human population that …show more content…

Because of the Earth's environment is completely differences from the environment on the space and other planet. There’s also almost no air pressure, and temperatures are extremely cold. Obviously, there’s the continuous radiation streaming from space. According to Castro (2015), a writer of the article “What Would It Be Like to Live on Mars?”, who has giving the example of temperature on Mars. He states that the average temperature on Mars is about -60 degrees Celsius (-80 degrees Fahrenheit), but temps can increase from -126 C (-195 F) in winter near the poles area to 20 C (68 F) in summer near the equator area. The temperatures can also change immediately within a week. This show that the weather on Mars might not be suitable for humans. The temperature is very different compare with world average temperature is 13.9°C (57.0°F) in this century. Moreover. Another factor which may be a threat to the human settlement in space is extraterrestrial life also known as “Alien”. Many people might think that Elian is absurd, because no one has ever seen. Recently, scientists have found some evidence that shows on Mars may have had a life lived in before. According to Bontemps (2015), explain that Now, in a paper published in the journal Astrobiology, a geobiologist has related structures photographed by Curiosity of Martian sedimentary rock with structures on Earth that are known to be created by microbial lifeforms. Although the remains of organisms found there are only small creatures that cannot be seen with the naked eye, this is proof that we are not alone in the universe. Which, in the future, it is possible that humans may be met with higher evolutionary creatures, and higher technology. Which may be a threat to the earth, or space colony that we made in

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