What Was A Knight's Influence On American Culture

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1.knights In this picture a knight is walking to his horse. He is going to the manor so that he can train. Knights were usually a vassal or lesser noble. He fought for his lord against Invaders If I could help knights back then I would teach them to make bows and arrows.this would help the society because this would help them make better technology.this would have helped the lord of that knight to rule more area. 5.monasteries This of a picture of three monks painting a monastery. Since they did not have ladders they were no top of each others shoulders. B.monks practice a life of worship and prayer at monasteries. Hand made copies of the bible were made here. C.If I were to help the monks would help them paint a big portrait …show more content…

HeIs looking out the window during a siege. B.a lord owned a lot of land and gave It to lesser nobles for something In return. The lord lived on his minor and he hardly left C.If I could help the lordI would tell him to put cannons on the wallIn cause of a siege.I Would also tell him to make the walls on the manor bigger so the the seigers could not climbIt.I would also tell him to dig underground tunnels to a food supply.If the lord would listen to me he would be more safe and more successful. He would be able to out live a siege 4.serf In this picture a surface using his hands to dig a hole to plant crops. He's working on his his lord and he Is going to plant some corn. A serf sometimes was bound to soil which meant that they had to stay on the manor forever until they die. The serfs were not paid much they were paid just enough to eat, they got to keep a little bit of what they grew. If I could go back In time would help the serfs by teaching them how to make a shovels and how to make water hoses and a water pump. This will help them because It will make her work go by faster Because they can dig holes faster and they won't have to get water with there

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