The Lady Without Mercy Essay

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Annalee Allen
Dr. Jones
EH 204- 003
6 October 2015
A Merciful Woman
Obsessing over a love will leave you regretting them and all alone later in life. The poem shows the knight’s waste of sexual love and his infatuation with his muse, that eventually leads him to the side of the road. The Lady without Mercy took advantage of the knight and his romantic urges or so the poem would have you believe.
The title of the poem is misleading to the reader. It sets up the scene with the reader already thinking that the woman is the deceitful one. In the beginning, the knight seems sick and depressed, but we do not know why. His looks of depression lead us to assume that something has struck him emotionally.
The knight is not a completely innocent man. …show more content…

The woman did in fact have mercy. She loved him and had to let him go the only way she knew how. They loved so passionately, but she could not be with him and had to help him get over her. The best way to help him get over her was to abandon him. Letting the Knight think that the woman was no longer in love with him was the best way she could find to spare his feelings. When Keats says, “She took me to her elfin grot, and there she wept, and sigh’d fill sore,” (29-30) he shows his readers that she feels sorry or she’s guilty about what she is going to do to the knight. A woman who is leading a man on and seducing him would not have remorse for her actions. She would simple play with him until she were done and then drop him. But the fairy has emotions for him. She weeps because she knows that she has to let him …show more content…

The lady helped ease their separation by banishing him out onto the side of the cold road. We do not know what happened to the lady’s other “victims”, but we do know that the knight has not suffered the same fate. He is alive and can carry on his life with a mere memory. The others who have passed on do not seem to have the kind of closure that the knight does. Yes, the knight will be forlorn for a while, but it seems that his memories will keep him

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