What My Family Has Taught Me

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Motivated, open-minded, compassionate and loving are words which describe people I admire. They also describe my husband and three children. Helping others and making a positive difference has always been important to me. My personal goal was to marry someone and raise our children with good values and respect for others. Along the way, they have also taught me valuable lessons. In this paper, I will share a few details about each member of my family and what I have learned from them. My husband’s name is LeRoy, and he is a brilliant man. Our beautiful wedding took place on December 3, 1988, and we spent our honeymoon in Hawaii. From our first night together, in a hotel by the old Stapleton airport near downtown Denver, life has been full of excitement. We arrived in our room around 7pm and found chilled champagne waiting. For some, silly reason, we turned on the TV, and one of our favorite movies, Die Hard, was playing. We decided to watch the movie, while drinking our champagne. About halfway through the movie, the hotel fire alarm went off, and a voice came through the speaker letting us know we should stay in our room. We were on the 9th floor and went out on the balcony to see the fire trucks pulling up below. Fortunately, it turned out to be a small kitchen fire, but we were a little nervous. Our married life has always been an entertaining adventure. LeRoy has taught me how to stay motivated and always reach for my dreams. He was raised in a family with very little money and no understanding for how to acquire a college education. In spite of this, he has become a successful business owner. He installs and repairs sports fields for many teams and schools in Colorado including Colorado University, the Rockies and the Broncos... ... middle of paper ... ...after all, she is only twelve. What I love is that she will soon calm down and come find us to resolve the problem. She does not like conflict and is very good at mediating disagreements. She has a lot of compassion for those not considered socially acceptable and is friendly to everyone. This year, LeRoy and I will celebrate our twenty-second wedding anniversary and my children are all approaching adulthood. I married and became a mom in my early twenties, and I would not trade those choices for anything. I grew with my kids and can reflect upon what I might have changed and what I would have done the same. The one constant that always remains is how proud I am of my family. My goal was to raise children who would make a positive contribution in their world. In the process, they are the ones who have taught me how to make a positive contribution within my own world.

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