What Makes A Perfectionist?

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By now, you should have read our blog Branding Habits - Perfection vs. Excellence. If you haven’t, we encourage you to read that blog. It will help you to better identify the pitfalls of perfection and to understand how those pitfalls can ruin your personal brand and a brand’s identity.

Often, a perfectionist is an isolationist because while they may surround themselves with others, those others may not be drawn to them. They are not better than others, but they give others the impression they are better. A perfectionist also creates barriers that set up irrelevant standards others cannot reach or that other people do not care to reach.

When you create barriers, it’s kind of like sitting in the car with the engine running but never opening …show more content…

Often, just as a perfectionist is an isolationists, bullies are also often isolationists. They may have their few friends, but they both create barriers that cause other people either not to be able to get close to them or that makes people not want to be around them.

Also consider that just as a perfectionist is judgmental, a bully is judgmental. A bully is a bully for the same reasons a perfectionist is a perfectionist. They both create barriers by choosing victims, those are people they isolate themselves from in order to make themselves seem better. The difference here is that while a childhood bully from a broken home might victimize a classmate from a home with both parents, a perfectionist might victimize their spouse by being a workaholic.

Identifying the perils of perfection is important because a perfectionist is not only judgmental toward others, but they are also judgmental toward themselves. That’s why both a bully and a perfectionist need to isolate themselves from others by making those others either feel less or by making them not want to be around them. The closer they allow others to get to them, the more they fear those others will recognize the frailties inside of

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