What It Is Like To Watch Netflix For 7 Hours

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Netflix is a very convienient program used to watch movies and tv shows with an easy pay of eight dollars per month. With hundreds of unlimited entertainment options to choose from, it is not uncommon to become indefinately sucked into the habit of watching 10 episodes of "the Office" before going to bed. However, there are times in which there will be major school assignments due the next morning, or maybe the house needs to be cleaned for expected company. During these times, procrastination is commonly being resorted to, even if there are only a few minutes to be spared. Netflix users generally spend those few spared minutes watching movies. Suddenly, seven hours whiz by and the clock says it is two A.M. Though, what is it like during those seven hours?
At first, the brain is stressing out over all that needs to be accomplished. The trash may need to be disposed of, last week's laundry may need to be given a wash, but a quick glance of the clock will say, "Hey, you've got until (specific time) for these responsibilities to be done, why not relax for 30 minutes or so?"
Now, all responsibilities are temporarily tucked away and using the small amount of free time given, is a main priority. This free time will be used watching one episode of a favorite tv series. The brain decided to only watch one, because that is what would be labled as a responsible and smart decision considering that there is a time limit for relaxing.
After one episode is watched, the facial expression on one's face will display shock, due to the unexpected plot twist in the last 30 seconds of the one specific episode. Thoughts will be running through the head, such as, "Who was that? Why did that happen? How did they do that?" The temptation to see answer...

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...t is nearly impossible to even make a dent in that important school project, or a clean house for expected company, but the body tries anyway.
Andrenaline is pumping, anxiety is high. A headache almost immediately appears, after movement is made off of the couch, and it feels like the brain will pound out of the skull. The desperation for the ownership of a slave to help will be at a great need, because the mind knows that not enough will be accomplished by oneself.
Eventually, it is too late, and practically nothing is complete. As a result, what is most likely going to be done, will be faking illness. As a result, the expected company will be disappointed, and an extension may be given on the important school project. Shame is felt, and because there is now another day given to accomplish what should have been done today, the body once again resorts to Netflix.

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