Slavery Allusions In 72 Hour Hold By Bebe Moore Campbell

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Dealing with mental illness is hard, but even harder when you are the one caring for a loved one with a mental illness, making you feel as though you have been condemned to a lifetime of servitude. Bebe Moore Campbell usage of slavery allusions throughout the novel 72 Hour Hold explains just how taking care of a family member with a mental illness can feel like being enslaved to their illness. Slavery allusions are used throughout the novel to describe a mother’s, Keri, struggle of taking care of her bipolar daughter, Trina, while also insinuating that she feels as if her daughter’s illness enslaved her to her own daughter. With the usage of slavery allusions author Bebe Moore Campbell creates a new reality, one in which mental illness does …show more content…

Which is what would also occur with family member dealing with someone who has a mental illness. Thus describing how someone may feel like a slave to that person’s illness and how when a recurrence would appear it felt as though they are being sold to auctioneers. When Keri goes to pick up Trina from the 72 hour hold she states, “Something bad was going to happen. The signs were all there: massa was on his deathbed; mistress was crying. Auctioneers and lawyers were assembled on the veranda. I could feel the overseer’s eyes assessing the value of my flesh, her flesh. This wasn’t my first plantation. Deep South, that’s where I was heading” (Campbell 79). In this case, Keri uses how a slave would observe their surroundings while being auctioned. But also uses the viewpoint of a slave who has been sold multiple times and realize that this is not a favorable position to be in. Also referring to the Deep South which would be the worse environment for them considering their current position. As a result, this allusion describes how many family members taking responsibility for someone may feel as their person goes down a dark path once again. While also describing how they have begun to notice when that somebody is going to go down that path and would realize that what is going on is not taking them anywhere wonderful. In conclusion, this allusion helps to create a sort of imagery as to how a caretaker may feel when they experience multiple recurrences with their person’s mental

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