What Is Zlatan Ethics

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Mishtak Silva Al-Kassid 8th of August, 2016 Universal Truths: I AM ZLATAN “I've had one philosophy: I run my own race. I don't give a damn what people think and I've never felt comfortable with authority. I like guys who run the red light, if you know what I mean..” (Ibrahimovic 1). a). Ibrahimovic has one philosophy which is that not matter what Zlatan does what Zlatan wants to do. With this it shows how he has always lived and how he might act in a social environment such as at a practice messing around or mid match in a stadium doing what he feels is right, defining his manager or coach. b). As people, we would love to do anything we want without being told what to do or that’s wrong, do it this way. The way Zlatan is living out his life …show more content…

Tris from Divergent has made some mistakes that she regrets in the book such as not forgiving a depressed teenager and says some horrible things to him and shortly thereafter he commits suicide. d). As a child and throughout my life I have and will make mistakes, and from those mistakes and have and will learn more about my life and what and what doesn't workout for me. “Some things is made by destiny, yes, other things by hard work, but quality you don't learn. Quality you are born with…” (Ibrahimovic 117). a). Zlatan Ibrahimovic has learned that every person has their own quality, be it Messi with his god like dribbling or Zlatan himself with his ability to do anything he wants on the pitch either mid match or at practice. b). Everyone has their own specialty that they are born with. This quality that they have is not learned but slowly grows with the person as they get older. Each quality shows how different people are and how people can find other with similar or different qualities. c). Jonas from The Giver has a special quality to him that allows him to read memories from the elderly and also give it to Gabriel. d). All throughout school I have learned my quality of making friends quite fast and learning faster than most kids for certain subjects which helps me help other kids learn the subject as …show more content…

In the end of The Fault In Our Stars, the love of Hazel Grace's life, Augustus Waters, dies. This shows that many unpredicted things happen in life, from happy things such as finding your true love to sad things as your true love dying. d). In my life I have had my unpredicted things happen to me which affected my life's journey, while some other events did nothing. I know throughout my life my path to the end will forever be changing just like my friends and family around me. “I think I'm like wine. The older I get, the better I get...” (Ibrahimovic 168). a). The farther Zlatan got into his soccer career he was put into better teams and even better leagues which began to make him a better player from team to team. b). As people grow they say they we get wiser, and like wine, the older it gets the better it becomes c). Just like Harry Potter from the Harry Potter series, as more time went on his wisdom and ability to use magic increase saving his world and making him a better person overall. d). I feel as though the older that I have gotten the more wisdom and charm I have gotten than from before creating a new better me every year to

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