What Is The Good News Of Deuteronomy 10: 12-19

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The Good News of Deuteronomy 10:12-19 is that we should accept and love others even if they are foreign and alien. Everything in this universe belongs to God. He created everything we see or imagine. Moses tells the Israelites to “circumcise therefore the foreskins of your hearts, and be stiff-necked no longer’’ (USCCB). In saying this Moses is telling them to open up their hearts and stop being stubborn. He says they [the Israelites] should love those who may not be Israelites as well. They should love everyone else and care for them because God is the greatest of all and he has no favorites. He is fair to everyone. He loves those that others do not. He cares for the resident alien by giving them food and clothing. Moses then goes on to tell

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