What Is The Allegory In Lord Of The Flies

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The Lord of the Flies is a novel written by William Golding. The novel explains the events that take place after a group of unsuspecting boys crash land on an island. The novel shows the primitive and natural instincts of humans. All strings of civilization is lost in the strenuous situation the boys are in. The reader discovers the true nature of humanity. This book however, is also an allegory on World War Two. Many main events in the novel tie with many main events during World War Two and many main characters in the novel tie with many main people during World War Two. Franklin Delano Roosevelt, just like Ralph, had one of the greatest impacts during World War Two. FDR was the United States president during World War Two. He is arguably one of the best leaders and longest serving president. Roosevelt was the popular candidate during the 1933 election. When he became president, he brought the whole country together and got them out of the Great Depressions and retained order; “Gross national product was up 34 percent, and unemployment had dropped from 25 percent to 14 percent.” (biography.com) Ralph links with Roosevelt because of some of the actions both leaders executed once in a position of authority. For example, Ralph …show more content…

The allies and the axis powers. The main axis country was Nazi Germany. The cruel ruler of Nazi Germany at the time was Adolf Hitler. Hitler was a man that was obsessed with power. He wanted total world domination. Hitler caused mass destruction and killed innocent people in the millions. He also broke a pact with Russia which ultimately was the downfall of Nazi Germany. Jack is a similar acting character. He has a an obsession with being the leader. He tried twice to overthrow Ralph but succeeded on the third time. Jack is also guilty for the deaths of Piggy and Simon. Jack also, broke Ralphs rule of keeping the fire burning. Jack is a very malicious and sneaky character just like

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