What Is Sustainability?

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The organizing principle for sustainability is sustainable development, which includes the four interconnected domains: ecology, economics, politics and culture.

Sustainability science is the study of sustainable development and environmental science.

"The term 'sustainability' should be viewed as humanity's target goal of human-ecosystem equilibrium, while 'sustainable development' refers to the holistic approach and temporal processes that lead us to the end point of sustainability." Despite the increased popularity of the use of the term …show more content…

Some sustainability experts and practitioners have illustrated four pillars of sustainability, or a quadruple bottom line.

There is also an opinion that considers resource use and financial sustainability as two additional pillars of sustainability.

The simple definition that sustainability is something that improves "The quality of human life while living within the carrying capacity of supporting eco-systems", though vague, conveys the idea of sustainability having quantifiable limits.

Specific types of sustainability include, sustainable agriculture, sustainable architecture or ecological economics.

While the United Nations Millennium Declaration identified principles and treaties on sustainable development, including economic development, social development and environmental protection it continued using three domains: economics, environment and social

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