What Is Self Respect Essay

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Love, respect and honor the self for relationships.

Healthy, secure relationships are a two way and a reciprocal rocess. Each person first loves themselves and then the other person in equal measures and theytogether have a happy, meaningful, ongoing relationships

This book recommends that people ffocus on and understand their needs first and by doing so they remain in an ttractive state and be able to attract vibrant, positive relationships into their lives.Until you love yourself,others cannot love you. Simply put 2 matched people start by loving themselves and then start loving the other,forming a strong bond.Let's address 3 main rules to follow: respect yourself , love yourself and take care of yourself.Let's address …show more content…

Self respect is how you would like to be treated.Ideaaly, we shoulddefine our own preferences and let others know through verbal or non verbal communication, our main preferenceson how we would like to be treated.Westart off by treating others with empathy,understanding and politeness and thendefine how we, in turn, would like to be addressed, treated and communicated with. We do all this whileCreatingcondions that will make both us and other people feel good about themselves and …show more content…

Develop a definition of respect that works for you and that you can clearly communicate to others. Think in terms of communicating who you are as a person and what is important to you. As you've probably noticed, people aren't mind readers - we have to tell them what we want. It's best to assume that people will only treat us how we ask them to. You literally show people how to treat you through your actions. If you act like a doormat you will attract people who will treat you like one. If you are healthy and balanced you will attract the

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