What Is Longevity Essay

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Longevity is becoming the norm with better standards of health care and disease prevention the world over, but an individual’s mental attitude is just as important as physical well being if life is still to be enjoyable and hopefully productive as the years tick away.

Many folk still live their lives to the full in old age, savouring every second right up until their demise, while others give up and stop making an effort all too easily with the advancing years. What steps can you take to ensure that you don’t lose interest in the world around you or start feeling that you’ve outlived your usefulness?

However old you are, the battle with time is all relative and how long you stand your ground is down to your individual frame of mind. You’ll never be …show more content…

The only consolation perhaps is the knowledge that it’s not you in the box and you still have some more time left.

Don’t be too quick in dismissing some new activity or gadget that a younger friend or relative is eager to explain to you. Becoming too set in your ways as you grow older will only serve to distance you from things that may be to your advantage or even help the battle with ageing become less daunting.

Listen to advice from older people and learn from their experience of life and listen to younger folk who can advise you on all the new technology you wish you had when you were young.

Eat plenty of fresh and wholesome food such as fruit and vegetables, lean meats and fish, nuts and whole grains. Food supplements have their place during times of ill health to assist in a speedy recovery, but should not be needed on a permanent basis if you eat a broad selection of nutritionally sound food. Here are further useful tips for healthy aging.

Get plenty of restorative sleep and your good health will continue if you make a little more effort; here are some ways to promote a good night’s

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