What Is Gender Expectations Essay

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The experiences that I am about to discuss regarding my life and gender expectations in school are what I felt, went through and continued to go through until I was able to come to grips with, are real and heartfelt. As far as I can remember, being a little girl between the ages of four and five in junior kindergarten, I was able to understand the difference between male and female. It did not take long to realize that I was a little different even from most of the females. At this very early point in my life, the realization was that I was not skinny like most females of my age in my class. I did not make an issue of it, until I started getting a little older and wiser. At the age of eight I was bullied not only by my classmates but people of both genders whom some I considered to be my friends. It was not only my weight. I had short hair and crooked teeth. I thought that I was normal. I would be left out of games; I was not allowed to be friends with certain people of both sexes. When I look back it …show more content…

Among other things, girls were less likely to feel good about themselves, to like how they looked, and more likely to feel down and experience difficulty making decisions. This statement applies all over the world in every society because people who are different are not considered the norm because they are the minority of the basis on what society teaches us while growing up. I am not the only one in this world that disagrees with this theory of gender. Unfortunately it has been going on for centuries and we are now just starting to scratch the surface on why gender differences cause so many issues and assumptions. These gender issues that exist in our social environment whether at school or in public cause depression, low self-esteem and to the highest of all issues taking ones’ own life to deal

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