Jenna Herlihy

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I, Jenna Herlihy have been bullied. Starting in middle school, I was bullied every day for my weight. This led me to depression and thinking about suicide. On the first day of sixth grade, I had a girl come up to me and ask me if I was pregnant or just fat. I replied just fat. This was just the start of the bullying. Every day someone would say she’s fat or a rude remark about my weight. It seemed as if people only looked at my body instead of who I actually was. Trying to put a stop to the bullying I had joined cheerleading. Cheerleading just made it worse. I was the outcast, I was the tallest and the heaviest and my coach believed I should have to work twice as hard as the other girls. She gave me exercise assignments to do at home and if the others had to run, well I had to run but more laps. I was just the “fat girl.” I quit after six months of being bullied by my coach and my teammates. In seventh grade I joined the volleyball team. There were other girls on the team that were overweight but seemed as if everyone …show more content…

Chris Jantz showed me the path to losing weight. That summer, I had lost forty pounds. Chris coached me on nutrition and exercising. He told me do everything I tell you to do and I promise you will see the results you want to see. I would get up every day and eat healthy meals and exercise every day. I did not go out with friends because I was always busy exercising. I didn 't want anyone to see me anyways. I wanted it to be a huge surprise. When I started to lose weight, I started to feel confident in myself. I could lose weight. . I could feel myself changing for the better. I hated taking pictures of myself and I actually would take a picture and be happy with it. I didn 't think I was “fat” anymore. I liked myself, I felt happy with my face and my

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