What Is Communicative Competence?

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Conceptual Framework Communication is very important to every learner, because having good communication competence can make your future successful. And, in order to have a good oral communication competence, a learner should practice himself/herself to communicate to other people in order to develop the communication competence that he/she have. According to Megginson (2015), Communication is a process in which you transmit meanings, ideas and understanding of a person or a group to another person or group.
Communicative competence is a term in linguistics which refers to a language user's grammatical knowledge of syntax, morphology, phonology and the like, as well as social knowledge about how and when to use utterances appropriately. The …show more content…

The understanding of communicative competence has been influenced by the field of pragmatics and the philosophy of language, including work on speech acts. Teachers have a great impact to the communication competence that a learners have. Because, the teachers themselves is the one who is teaching their learners. According to the blog Embrace Possibility, every day we miscommunicate something to someone. We don't do it intentionally but it happens. It actually happens all the time, we just don’t know it. The only time we realize there is a miscommunication is when something bad happens and even then we may not think it was because of bad communication.
According to Firesto (2016), the learning environment of a learner, is vital to learners success and impacts learners in many ways. A negative learning environment, or setting that adversely affects learners learning, can affect learners in many ways, such as low student achievement, poor behavior, student anxiety, or …show more content…

Occasionally, the learners are not competent in terms of comprehending their lessons and arranging their thoughts. By reason of hesitancy, the learners sometimes stopping in this process, and leaving their selves alone in fear that they might get embarrass to others. Although teachers were encouraging their learners to talk about their work and performances; that talk is usually about the difficult aspects of their works and performances. Also, some learners are exerting efforts to ask for help results in negative labels from some of their teachers. Classroom communication often suffers when students are bored about his/her learners during a short period of time or during their subject’s period. But, as the teachers of those learners, the teachers should do all his/her best to work hard in order to develop engaging lessons with interesting, appropriate and relevant activities. Though enhancing home works, technology based and enhanced lectures and lessons, and projects that engage classroom communication and

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