What Is A Normal Family Essay

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My Not So Normal Family Family means many things to many people. In the strictest sense of the word, a family is a set of parents and their children. However, as with all things pertaining to family, it is not that simple. Family is ever-changing, evolving as individuals evolve. Family – such a small word, with great meaning. From birth, our family helps determine who we are and what we will become. Our family helps us learn; right from wrong; what to view as important and what is just a distraction. Our families teach us what love, acceptance, guidance, and tough love are all about. We learn the arts of compromise and diplomacy from sibling squabbles mediated by weary parents. Family is always there to guide us through the trials life has to offer. They comfort us through those trials and support us when we make less than perfect decisions. They will …show more content…

Those days were spent conspiring all sorts of things to get into. We shared everything from secret crushes to favorite songs, we joined various clubs together and were always devising ways to spend more time together. She was my best friend, she was family. We once had a dog named Safire. Everybody in the house said she was “their girl” and she interacted with each of us in a way that made us feel that was true. Safire was my husband’s wood gathering, trail building and bike riding buddy. She seemed to instinctively know when it was time to go to the woods and it was without a doubt her favorite place. When they were out getting wood, she would sit beside him when he took breaks and “help” by carrying sticks to where he was cutting. When they were building trail, she was always the first to start digging and when they were out on a ride, all the treats in the world couldn’t get her away from her daddy. On the mornings they just stayed in, she would “talk” to him in her puppy

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