What Does Theatre Mean To Me Essay

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I find strength in purpose. When I have a clear view of what gives me purpose, my backbone grows stronger and I feel an almost impermeable optimism. Theatre grants me this, and it is when I am most active in the performing arts that I am healthiest.
I have sometimes lost sight of my purpose. I have often fallen victim to the sadness and apathy that tribulation brings, and it often made me forget that I had a clear source of purpose in my life. I forgot that time waits for no one, and I was wasting my time trying to pursue anything except my passion.

I live in a family of addicts, so I have spent many years watching people older and wiser than me give up. When you’ve grown up holding the hands of people who are constantly falling behind, you sometimes begin to match their pace. For a time, I was so wrapped up in my home life that I stepped away from performance completely. I forgot that art gives me strength to resist and motivation to advance ahead into a brighter future than the ones I have seen. I do not want to define myself by my family; despite this, I still want to them to be proud of me. Theatre will be my pathway to success and a source of further knowledge so I can continue to become a better person. …show more content…

I have found that many of the answers to these questions reside within the pages of a play. There was a single scene in Ivanov that mirrored my relationship with my father so well that I was convinced that Chekhov had met him

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