What Does It Mean To Be Human Essay

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Throughout the course of people’s existence they may begin to wonder, what their true purpose is in life. Whether it be of small existence or a mystery among the universe. As human beings there must be some differences between other creatures on the earth, and ourselves. Therefore some factors that define us include human nature, society, and cultural essence.
What Does It Mean to Be Human discusses some major facts about what humans are and how they exist in the world. A philosopher may have created different ideas on what a human’s characteristic and key quality are, but the philosopher questions why we are the only animal in which creates war with own kind. Then a psychologist may think that humans are driven by a nonconscious personality, and may learn from the ideas and perceptions they grew up around, but a human’s behavior is found in the person’s brain. While a sociologists believes that humans form to the way they are from social interaction with others and adapting to the changing culture around them. If you have a religious perspective you might think that …show more content…

Whether it be the people that are in your family, the people that you go to school with, or the people that are living in your community. Everyone is different in their own special way, but being able to socialize is something that humans have in common. Even though people don’t always speak in the same language we all have ways of communicating. If humans never connected with each other, or communicated with each other they would be at a great loss. With no interaction with others humans, people wouldn’t know what to do except for things they learn on their own. Humans would also be very unintelligent. Through interacting with other humans we learn critical life skill from them. It could range from taking care of our health to learning how to grow crops for humans to live off. Therefore interaction in a daily life is

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