What Are The Stereotypes In The Graduate

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Society has set certain standards and “rules” that women are suppose to abide by. The movie, The Graduate, captures a side of women that are viewed out of the norm. This movie takes place in the 1960s. In The Graduate, it displays Benjamin who is the main character to be adjusting to life. During the duration of the movie, his life is impacted by two generations of women. There is the innocent young daughter, Elaine. Also, the older seductress and wife of Benjamin’s father’s law partner, Mrs. Robinson. The movie captures different values of age and gender for older women along with issues of class. It reflects the changing understanding of gender and aging. Gender is not only displayed but also class and generational.
Women in society are …show more content…

There are many negative stereotypes for women. Women are suppose to live up to physical characteristics such as beauty and size. Gender is fixed in a world of what the movie calls “plastics.” Women are establishing themselves and marriage is not the only option. The Graduate displays how Mrs. Robinson is going against the standards of society, sexual norms, and roles of a relationship. Mrs. Robinson is represented as the new understanding of femininity and also the traditional values of her suburban class. The storyline displays Mrs. Robinson being tired of her marriage and sex life and wants to find a new man to play with. She noticed the new young graduate, Benjamin, and seduces him. She is able to successfully have an affair with Benjamin even though she is twice his age and has a daughter that is Benjamin’s age. Most would criticize that her situation is highly inappropriate due to the traditional images of women and older women. Mrs. Robinson breaks what older women are suppose to be displayed as and also displays what society may perceive as “unfeminine” behavior. Not only is Mrs. Robinson seducing a man, but a man who is half her age, which are both rarely displayed in society. …show more content…

Mrs. Robinson was portrayed as an “older” woman with a high sex drive, which is the complete opposite of how women are supposed to be displayed as. Mrs. Robinson has showed high interest in sex and have more power over Benjamin. Benjamin is caught off guard because society depicts men being more interested in sex than women. The way she conducts herself and used her age as authority is very rare due to the negative depiction of women and aging. Even though The Graduate took place in the 1960s, women and aging today are still facing the issues Mrs. Robinson had to deal with. The importance of this movie for women and aging is that although the majority of women in society accept and abide by the norms of female roles, sexuality, and relationships, there are women who oppose these

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