What Are The Similarities Between King Henry Viii And Thomas More

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Thomas More and King Henry VIII played two significant roles in the film, A Man For All Seasons, and both characters had their differences and shared their own similarity as well. Thomas More was a scholar and a very respected figure in England, at the time of King Henry’s reign. More was also a devout Catholic and was a true, moralistic person. King Henry VIII was also a Catholic and was intent on having a son to inherit his place as the king of England. As the result of King Henry’s wife, Catherine, not being able to have a male child, King Henry called for an annulment, or to declare that a marriage had no existence, so that King Henry could marry a new woman, to have a male heir. More objected to this, and hoped that King Henry would not pressure him about this matter. Later, the King arrived at More’s home to discuss the annulment. More continuously opposed King Henry, and was beheaded for treason. …show more content…

More could not allow himself to ignore his political and religious views, in order to grant the annulment of King Henry and Catherine. The King however, as a catholic, disregarded his faith and judgement, and proceeded to bring more tension between himself, More, and the Pope, to allow his annulment. More was also an established humanitarian, or someone who fought for the health, good fortune, and happiness of a person. King Henry often did not attempt to put any effort into making the lives of his people and family better. He only strived to fulfill what he desired for himself, and even exterminated anyone who opposed him, or tried to get in his

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