What Are The Negative Effects Of Music Essay

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What are you listening to? What kind of music 's do you like? Are some of the common innocent questions that you will hear among the youth of today. But to children the response to those questions are fundamental to their life. Music is one of the most influential classes distinguish that children determine to figure out each others personality. Through one answer you can determine their social class, in group-out group, views of life, and what is going on in their lives. Music can even be used to determine an persons cultural and ethnic back grounds.
At first music was an innocent pass timer but soon adults realized that certain media was not an positive influence on their children. They decided to ban together and determine which music …show more content…

By listening to music it will help children with memory issues. Psychological and social factors of music impact on youth are very hand in hand. Psychologically music impacts on music are easily displayed every time you listen to music, it helps teens to better understand emotions as synchronized responses (cognitive appraisal, subjective feeling, physiological response, expression, action tendency and regulation) to changes in the environment. Research has shown that the type of music that you listen to can leave a negative or positive outlook on life. Listening to more vulgar music, then you will have a more negative outlook on life listening to positive music you will have a more positive outlook on life. This is very similar to the social effects music has on people Socially music is a person badge of whom they are, there viewpoints, there beliefs, their life issues, their goals, and what they value in life. Automatically telling someone your music they will develop views of who you are Overtime researchers have summed that music impact on youth can be placed in several subcategories: aesthetics; identity; socialization; emotion regulation and coping; personality and motivation; gender roles; and positive youth development.
Gender stereo typing is a important factor of music effect on teens. Researchers have discovered that there are different mechanism …show more content…

One theory is the user and gratification theory this is a theory that states there are several neurological reason a person indulges in their music choice which is that "media helps people with issues such as: Learning,  emotional satisfaction, relaxation, personal identity, social identity, aggression and violence". But for a teen this can be a good or bad thing depending on the music that they listen to. Teenagers who listen to more positive music have a more positive out look on life well the individuals who listen to reserved music are more solitary. This can be seen as an negative branch to the user and gratification theory. (HAGED). Another issue with negative music is that those who listen to negative music are more likely to act out violently and to commit

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