What Are The Moral And Morality Among Teenagers In Modern Day Society

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A Satirical text on Self-Respect Amongst Teenagers in Modern Day Society Most people believe that the newer and upcoming generations are the, if not most, kind, generous, selfless, hard-working, brilliant, persistent, considerate, respectful, the list could go on and on. Children during the 1930’s, for example, were mean, ungrateful, disrespectful punks who could learn a thing or two from current generations, if they were still alive of course. Unlike those children from the 1930’s, children nowadays have had it much worse. Children in modern-day society have troubles such as what clothes they want to wear, what smartphone to choose from, what sports to participate in, and the most devastating challenge each child must overcome, is …show more content…

But, with age comes knowledge. Once children reach to their teenage years they start to learn self-respect for themselves. I personally believe that teenagers, particularly at Worland High School, follow their morals either from their church, or parents, very closely. Teenagers at Worland High School always follow their morals and never do anything bad. If they were to do something bad, they would learn from their mistake and never do it again because they know better. Teenagers Worland High School always put their best effort in school and other activities, teens at Worland High School would never abuse drugs or alcohol, and the students at Worland High School always treat one another with respect. To begin, teenagers at Worland High School show an amazing work ethic in both school, and other activities. Teens nowadays, …show more content…

When we were young, you may remember our parents or teachers telling us to, “treat others the way you want to be treated.” That basically means being nice to people, with the assumption that they will be nice back to you. Teenagers at Worland High School take this to heart. Teens never would call another student names, or put them down. Students at Worland High School always try to help any student in need. Students also treat their teachers with the utmost of respect. Students never back talk teachers, never disrupt class, or cause issues for their teachers. Every day, students are always positive towards other students. Students from Worland High School would never post any mean messages, tweets, Instagram posts, or snapchat posts about any students at Worland High School. Regardless if some students don’t like each other they are still kind, and respectful to the other person. Students at Worland High School know better than to, for example, write mean messages in bathroom stalls, or taunt other students because of their looks, their name, or the way they act. The wonderful thing about teens at Worland High School is that since everybody talks to one another, and is nice to each other, not one person or group is ever singled out. Thus, having everybody at Worland High School

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